There are lots of easy deals you can do this week that I share in this video! Be sure to at least do all the freebies and money maker deals this week!
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Be sure to download all the rebate apps so you can SCORE each week at Walmart. I know you may think its a lot of work, or takes a lot of time BUT IT DOESN'T . I submit my receipt in the truck after I checkout to all the apps I used and it takes me 2 minutes to save ALL THIS MONEY!
Referral codes:
💸 NEW APP: Brand Club - Get $10 for signing up!
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💸Shopkick: Use code: BREE2021 (has to be all caps)
💸Fetch Rewards: J24VT
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💸Miles App - get PAID to Travel!
New to using Ibotta? Click HERE for a tutorial video
Swagbucks Tutorial Video HERE
Shopkick Tutorial Video HERE
Printable Breakdown here
1)Ground Turkey $4.14
Zarty 1008 points = $1 back
Final Cost: $3.14
1)Great Value Pasta Shells $0.92
Zarty 650 pts = $0.65 back
Final Cost: $0.27
1)Great Value Frozen Mixed Veggies $0.84
Zarty 1150 points = $1.15 back
Final Cost: FREE+ $0.43 MM!
1)Great Value Sandwich Cookies $1.48
Zarty 1005 points = $1 back
Final Cost: $0.48
1)Mr. Clean 2 ct Pads $2.94
Zarty 1105 pts = $1.10 back
Final CostL $1.84
1)Skintimate Razors $5.97
Use $4 coupon from 4/24 SS
Submit to Ibotta $2 back
=FREE + $.03 MM
1)Schick Bamboo Razors $5.97
Use $4 coupon from 4/24 SS
Submit to Ibotta $2 back
=FREE + $.03 MM
1)Schick Hydro Silk $8.98
Use $4.00 coupon from 4/24 SS
Ibotta: $4 back
= $0.98
1) Find Your Happy Place (Clearance) .74
1) Kotex Liners 50 Ct $2.97
1) Vagisil Wipes $1.97 =$5.68
Ibotta: $2 on Happy Place
Ibotta: $2 on Kotex
Ibotta: $1 on Vagisil
Bonuses 2- $0.50 bonuses
= FREE +$0.32 MM
1)Glade Warmer $1.78
Ibotta: $1.25 back
Final Cost: $0.53
2)Palmolive Shake & Clean Kits $2.53 each
Buy (2) =$5.06
Swagbucks $5.00/2
Submit to Ibotta $0.75 each
Shopkick $.70= 175kicks
= FREE + $2.14 MM
2)Armour All Extreme Tire $4.98 each
Swagbucks 600SB/2 or $6 back
Checkout 51: $1.24 back each
Final Cost: $1.48/2 or $0.74 each!
1)Perfect Snacks PEanut Butter Cups $2.29
Ibotta: $2.29
1)Luvs $6.47
Ibotta: $2 back
= $4.47
1)Kraft Mac $1
Ibotta: $0.35 back
= $0.65
2)True Solutions Cat Food $0.65 each
Ibotta: $0.65/2
Final Cost: $0.32 each
1)Dove 0% Deodorant Stick $6.88
USe $0.75 printable from emails
Ibotta: $2 back
Ibotta: $2.50 on 0%
Shopkick 210 kicks = $0.84 back
Final Cost: $0.79
1)Dove Ultimate $9.98
Use $1.25 coupon from 5/1 Save
Ibotta: $4 back
Shopkick 270 kicks = $1.08 back
Final Cost: $3.65
1)Nair Body Cream $5.44
1)Nair Shower $9.78
1)Nair Strips $6.62
Shopkick Bundle 3610 kicks = $14.44 back
Swagbucks 75SB/2 or $0.75 back
Final Cost: $6.65/3 or $2.21 each!
1)Seventh Generation Dish Soap $2.82
SHopkick 625 kicks = $2.50 back
= $0.32
1)Suave Gold $2.94
1)Suave Hand Sanitizer $1.47
1)Suave Deodorant $2.18
Use $1 suave from 5/1 Unilever
USe $0.50 suave deodorant from 5/1 Unilever
Shopkick 1175 kicks = $4.70 back
Ibotta: $0.10 any shampoo
Final Cost: $0.29/3 or $0.09 each!
1)Sara Lee Deli Meat $2
Shopkick 510 kicks = $2.02 back
1)Simple 7 Up 12 pack: $3.98
Shopkick 375 kicks = $1.50 back
Ibotta: $1.50 back
= $0.98