There are lots of easy deals you can do this week that don't require any coupons! Couponing at Walmart is a great way to stock up for your family and SAVE BIG!
Walmart has TONS of clearance lately. Check your air freshener section and fish/aquarium section for some great deals.
CVS Couponing Course NOW OPEN! Pay as you SAVE Payment Plan Available: JOIN NOW!:
NEW Printable Coupons: HERE
Be sure to download all the rebate apps so you can SCORE each week at Walmart. I know you may think its a lot of work, or takes a lot of time BUT IT DOESN'T . I submit my receipt in the truck after I checkout to all the apps I used and it takes me 2 minutes to save ALL THIS MONEY!
Referral codes:
💸Rakuten Spend $30 Get $30 Cash Back Deal:
💸Rebate Key:
💸Get Upside - Save on GAS!
💸Shopkick: Use code: BREE2021 (has to be all caps)
💸Fetch Rewards: J24VT
💸Field Agent:
💸Text Aisle Rebates:
💸Miles App - get PAID to Travel!
New to using Ibotta? Click HERE for a tutorial video
Swagbucks Tutorial Video HERE
Shopkick Tutorial Video HERE
Printable breakdown here
1) Splenda Monk Fruit $3.48
1) Splenda Naturals Stevia $3.48 = $6.96
Use $4.00/2 from ½ Save
Pay $2.96
Ibotta: $2 back each
= FREE+ $1.04 MM!
2) U By Kotex Cleanwear $3.92 each
Use $4.00/2 coupon from 1/2 SS
Ibotta: $2 back each
=FREE + $.16 MM
1)Almay Concealer $5.82
Use $4 coupon from ½ Save
botta: $4 back
= FREE+ $2.18 MM!
1)Almay Smoldering eye Shadow $6.97
Ibotta: $3 back
Ibotta: $4 back
1)Bic Simply Soleil $3.32
Use $4 coupon from 1/9 SS
=FREE + $0.68 MM
Campho-phenique Cold Sore $3.98
Ibotta: $1.50
Submit to app for $1.50 back
Final Cost: = $0.98
St Joseph Low Dose Aspirin $4.42
Use $2.00 coupon from 12/5 SS
$1.50 Ibotta Rebate
Final Cost = $0.92
1)Lysol Sanitizer Laundry $4.86
Use $1.50 coupon printable HERE
Ibotta: $1.50 back
Final cost: $1.86
1)Alka Seltzer Kids $3.79
Use $1.25 coupon from 1/2 SS
Ibotta: $1.50 back
Final Cost: $1.04
1)Breakstones Cottage cheese $1.06
Ibotta: $0.50 back
Final Cost: $0.56
1)Nivea nourish $5.84
Use $2 printable coupon NLA
Ibotta: $2.50 back
Final Cost: $1.34
2)Clorox Spray $3.48 each
Swagbucks 300SB/2 disinfecting products
300SB/2 clorox spray
= $0.48 each!